Yarlen's Articles » Page 9
January 25, 2008 by Yarlen
G4TV's hit show, X-Play, will be doing a hands-on feature of Sins of a Solar Empire tonight with Stardock's Brad Wardell!  Set your DVRs for 8pm ET tonight as Brad shows off a near-final version of Sins of a Solar Empire to Morgan Webb and the gang.  It's definitely something you won't want to miss! Where: G4TV When: 8pm ET, January 25, 2008 For those that missed it, here's the video:
January 25, 2008 by Yarlen
Stardock's Brad Wardell is currently on a press tour for Sins of a Solar Empire and paid a visit to the GameSpy offices yesterday to show them a late stage version of game.  Allen Rausch has written his thoughts and experiences in a new preview that looks at the Advent, the new technology trees, and fleet logistics. Give it a read at: http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/sins-of-a-solar-empire/847593p1.html Also included are eight new screenshots: http://media.pc.gamespy.com/media/775/77524...
January 24, 2008 by Yarlen
Rock, Paper, Shotgun has published a hands-on preview for Sins of a Solar Empire today based on their experiences with Beta 4. In the article they say, "Sins of a Solar Empire is looking like a single-malt of a strategy game. I’m looking forward to savouring it when they crack open the cask in February." You can read the entire preview at: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/?p=981
January 23, 2008 by Yarlen
Ironclad Games and Stardock Entertainment's upcoming RTS, Sins of a Solar Empire, is nearing release! The game has been getting a great deal of press attention and we've even started up a developer blog at IGN with even more details. Check out https://www.sinsofasolarempire.com for all the latest.
January 23, 2008 by Yarlen
Voodoo Extreme has posted their Top 10 Most Wanted Games for 2008 today and Sins of a Solar Empire has come in at number 7. You can read the entire article at: http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/features/36289/Top-10-Most-Wanted-2008-Games
January 23, 2008 by Yarlen
The second Sins developer blog is now up at IGN and discusses the multiplayer aspects of the final release. In the article, Brad Wardell gives details on setting up multiplayer matches, features and more. Give it a read at: http://blogs.ign.com/Stardock_Games/2008/01/22/77861/
January 22, 2008 by Yarlen
TweakTown has posted a new preview for Sins of a Solar Empire based off of the beta version. In the article they write, "Sins of a Solar Empire may not be the PC's biggest discussion point even during the usually quite uneventful early year release schedule, but perhaps it should be, because I can't help but come away extremely impressed with the game even during its beta stages." You can read the entire article here .
January 16, 2008 by Yarlen
The Entertainment Depot has recently written a new preview for Sins of a Solar Empire based on their experiences with the beta, warning gamers "...not to miss what I expect to be one of the better games coming out this year for the PC." You can read the entire article at: http://www.entdepot.com/features/articles/article_2983.php
January 11, 2008 by Yarlen
Next-Gen has published an article listing their top PC picks for 2008 "from a creative and/or commercial perspective" and Sins of a Solar Empire has made the list! Check out the full article at the URL below: http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=8618&Itemid=2
January 7, 2008 by Yarlen
As we draw closer to release, we figured it was time for some updated screenshots.   Head over to the Downloads section to check out the latest and greatest. https://www.sinsofasolarempire.com/downloads.aspx
January 4, 2008 by Yarlen
The Sins of a Solar Empire coverage continues this morning with a brand new, detailed, hands-on preview from GameSpy. The new article goes into the nitty gritty of their experiences with the Vasari where they conclude, " ...even unfinished, the game's remarkably fun, offering a solid strategic challenge and some great multiplayer gaming. " You can read the complete preview at: http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/sins-of-a-solar-empire/843505p1.html
January 2, 2008 by Yarlen
WorthPlaying has posted their hands-on preview of Sins of a Solar Empire, and while we're a bit late in picking it up, this article is definitely worth a read!  "God bless them (Stardock) for picking up Sins of a Solar Empire, too, because if this preview code is anything to go by, we're in for a real treat." You can read the rest of WorthPlaying's preview at the URL below: http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=48595&mode=thread&order=0
January 2, 2008 by Yarlen
Happy New Year!  Game Vortex, 2404.org and GameTrend have new hands-on previews of Sins of a Solar Empire to share. Game Vortex starts their preview by stating, "Being referred to as 4X game could have a negative connotation for many RTS games. The term 4X refers to eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate. Now this is a not a new term, but because of its sometimes negative connotation, it is one that I didn't expect to be coming straight out of the mouth of the developers ...
December 19, 2007 by Yarlen
IGN PC has published a multiplayer preview of Sins of a Solar Empire based off of Beta 4. You can give the article a read at: http://pc.ign.com/articles/842/842404p1.html
December 19, 2007 by Yarlen
Sins' Producer, Blair Fraser, from Ironclad has posted his second developer diary where he discusses the new Fleet and Tactics Management systems in the game. Give it a read for a sneak peek at what the final version will offer.