Happy New Year! Game Vortex, 2404.org and GameTrend have new hands-on previews of Sins of a Solar Empire to share.
Game Vortex starts their preview by stating, "Being referred to as 4X game could have a negative connotation for many RTS games. The term 4X refers to eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate. Now this is a not a new term, but because of its sometimes negative connotation, it is one that I didn't expect to be coming straight out of the mouth of the developers of Sins of a Solar Empire. If you're going to say it, you had better do it with style, and the game does not disappoint."
You can read the rest of Game Vortex's preview here.
2404.org's article was posted during the holiday break, but is definitely worth a read stating, "Perhaps 2007 would be the new 1996 and I could make up for missing MOO2 by being present at the creation of a new 4x masterpiece."
The rest of 2404's preview can be read here.
GameTrend also sneaked in a hands-on preview during the last weeks of 2007 saying, "Who needs television space operas when you can control one right in front of your computer!"
You can read their entire preview here.