Published on January 4, 2008 By Yarlen In Sins News

The Sins of a Solar Empire coverage continues this morning with a brand new, detailed, hands-on preview from GameSpy. The new article goes into the nitty gritty of their experiences with the Vasari where they conclude, "...even unfinished, the game's remarkably fun, offering a solid strategic challenge and some great multiplayer gaming."

You can read the complete preview at:

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 04, 2008
I'm starting to get surprised -- do you have enough reviews going on, all of a sudden and out of the blue here?
on Jan 04, 2008
Magic Ron Magic
on Jan 04, 2008
It warms my heat to see so many good previews coming out in such a short time.
on Jan 04, 2008
on Jan 04, 2008
uh oh, kiluman is in heat! everybody run!
on Jan 04, 2008
Well as much as I like to shred on GS that was a rather informative and well structured review. It had a lot "meat & potatoes" so to speak. I think it surely served it purpose.
on Jan 04, 2008
lol @ eet!

hmm... potators and meet! yummy   
on Jan 04, 2008
uh oh, kiluman is in heat! everybody run!

Just because you want him all for yourself

Nice preview, though
on Jan 04, 2008
Eets can't handle all of me.. theres plenty to go around
on Jan 04, 2008
Eets can't handle all of me.

many have said that, none have been proven right
on Jan 04, 2008
I dunno...I'm feeling underutilized.   
on Jan 04, 2008
*quietly watches a line form up*
on Jan 04, 2008

Eets can't handle all of me.

many have said that, none have been proven right

you don't even want me
on Jan 04, 2008
does it strike any of you as odd that you're making sexual competition with and at other males? its like a bunch of male peacocks got together and started plummage-flumming.

Well, believe it or not theres a level above which internet sex talk can never match you welcome to Schodphoria.
its a very sad and cold place to be; at the top, looking down.
on Jan 05, 2008
its a very sad and cold place to be; at the top, looking down.

woman on top position eh? you crafty butcher you   
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