Now available via Steam
Published on November 7, 2012 By Yarlen In Change Logs

Stardock Entertainment and Ironclad Games are happy to announce v1.1 for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. This latest update adds dozens of new maps, balance changes and bug fixes as noted below. Version 1.1 is save game compatible with the previous v1.041.

[ Gameplay ]

  • New Maps! We've added dozens of new maps, including competitive multiplayer variants which normalize resources, militia and other factors (thanks to Pbhead and GoaFan77 for these). New maps include:
    • The Art of War Competitive
    • Battle Lines / Battle Lines Competitive
    • Blitz / Blitz Competitive
    • Close Encounters Competitive
    • Crystal Storm / Crystal Storm Competitive
    • Double Cross Competitive
    • Empires at War
    • Foreign Invasion Competitive
    • Fractured Lands / Fractured Lands Competitive
    • Gemini / Gemini Competitive
    • Hostile Orbits / Hostile Orbits Competitive
    • Kabel Competitive
    • Maelstrom Competitive
    • Melting Point Competitive
    • New Dawn / New Dawn Competitive
    • Pandemonium Competitive
    • Quick Strike Competitive
    • Random - Huge Multi-Star Competitive
    • Random - Huge Ring Competitive
    • Random - Huge Single-Star Competitive
    • Random - Large Multi-Star Competitive
    • Random - Large Single-Star Competitive
    • Random - Medium Competitive
    • Random - Mini / Random - Mini Competitive
    • Random - Small Competitive
    • Random - Vast / Random - Vast Competitive
    • Razor's Edge Competitive
    • Storm Front Competitive
    • Tempest Competitive
    • The Void
    • Triple Entente Competitive
    • Twin Empires Competitive
    • Typhoon Competitive
    • Unstable Alliance Competitive
    • Whirlwind Competitive
  • All corvettes are now unaffected by most harmful Titan abilitiesExceptions are Explosive Shot, which will still knockback corvettes in the AoE, and The Maw, which will still potentially draw in corvettes in the AoE (but won't specifically target them).
  • Ships should no longer try to use abilities on invulnerable targets.
  • Corvettes will no longer be explicitly targeted by Cleansing Brilliance or Reverie abilities (but may still be affected by them).
  • Corvettes are no longer affected by Magnetic Clouds.
  • Adjusted relationship bonuses per Pact with allies to grant a 0.2 Diplomatic Actions bonus per unique Pact (to a maximum of 2.4).
  • Adjusted relationship penalties per Pact with enemies to grant a -0.5 Diplomatic Actions penalty per unique Pact (to a maximum of -6.0).
  • TEC Loyalists
    • Titan: Can now cast Group Shield on itself.
    • Titan: Increased started HP from 5400 to 5500; increased starting Armor from 11 to 12.
  • TEC Rebels
    • Titan: AutoCannon damage increased from 110.5 to 121.52; Missile damage increased from 127.5 to 140.25.
  • Advent (General)
    • Deliverance Engine Balance Changes:
      • Cannonshell speed increased from 12000 to 36000 (moving at the speed of thought!).
      • Culture Spread effect increased from 5 to 15.
      • The 25% damage buff to Advent player owned ships will now affect incoming ships as well as those already in the gravity well when the shot hits.
      • Deliverance Engine shots will now reduce an enemy planet's Allegiance by 10% (stacks 3 times).
  • Advent Loyalists
    • Global Unity now adds a 5% bonus to max. planet allegiance in addition to its other effects.
  • Advent Rebels
    • Wail of the Sacrificed has been changed to affect all adjacent planets, ships and structures regardless of ownership. 
    • Titan: Chastic Burst antimatter cost increased from 70 to 80; cooldown increased from 20 to 30.
    • Titan: Side Beam damage reduced from 130 to 117.
    • Fixed Expulsion tech to properly give its 20% culture spread bonus.
  • Vasari Loyalists
    • Titan: The Maw will no longer explicitly target corvettes (though they may still be affected if caught in the ability AoE).
    • Titan: Increased the cooldown on The Maw from 175 to 210.
    • Titan: Starting HP increased from 4802 to 5042; HP per level decreased from 459 to 436; starting Shields increased from 2567 to 2696; Shields per level decreased from 533 to 507.
  • Vasari Rebels
    • Titan: HP per level increased from 405 to 445; Shields per level increased from 529 to 582; Armor per level increased from 0.58 to 0.64.
    • Rebel Starbases will now suffer from additional debuffs after a phase jump: Passive shield regeneration is decreased by 50%, Armor is reduced by 1.5 and weapon damage received is increased by 25%. Negative effects after phase jumping a Starbase now stack 3 times; debuff duration of all effects increased to 600 seconds from 60.
    • Armor Restoration technology bonus reduced from +25% HP / +5 Armor to +15% HP / +3 Armor.
  • Pirates
    • Ships spawned from bounty raids made less random and weaker earlier in the game.
    • Pirate raids spawned via Diplomatic mission costs adjusted for revised raid levels above (i.e., much cheaper).

[ Misc. ]

  • Fixed reported null pointer crash related to buff spawning (thanks ezeltje299).
  • Fixed reported null check on first spawner buffs (thanks ateague1987).
  • Fixed broken Pirate Exterminator Steam Achievement.
  • Fixed broken Outstanding Resume Steam Achievement.
  • Steam Cloud Saves re-enabled and should now work as intended in multiplayer games.
  • Checksum detection added on multiplayer saves to validate that saves aren't corrupted.
  • Fixed Pact related crash that would occur if a player had more than six unique Pacts established.
  • Fixed null pointer crash related to Wail of the Sacrificed.

[ Modding ] 

  • Added new icons to Galaxy Forge for competitive map types.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Nov 14, 2012

Proof? I mean it is not impossible, but judging from opinion tone and grammar I have my doubt.

I am sorry but with you and Sel as company I would fear for your lives in any game with a remotly intelligent human enemy.

Bags and Seleuceia are skilled. I'll leave it up to the pros who can actually judge them to decide how skilled, but you're not accomplishing anything by insulting them.

You say it happened, I say it doesnt. Either one of us is having a bad case of wishful thinking or you happen to play in a vastly different time zone. In any case I play regularly in skilled games and I never ever have been asked not to use AR. Now perhaps some people with above 500 wins do disagree, but that a basically nonexistant minority. A minority that can stand anything that ruins their tried mindless strategies.

I only play one or two games a week and I was asked not to use AR last weekend. It was the first time it happened to me so I'd guess that its only recently become quite widespread, but either way before this patch it was definitely getting momentum. Disagree with it if you want, but there are very good and intelligent players who feel that way. And I suspect there will always be some people who think its OP no matter how costly or situational it is, and others who will always say its just fine.


Also this it totally off topic, but could you not reply in quote blocks? While the Cyan you're using now is definitely a lot better than the blue, I tend to only skim quotes. If you want to respond to a specific point just highlight that text and hit quote.

on Nov 14, 2012

Bags and Seleuceia are skilled. I'll leave it up to the pros who can actually judge them to decide how skilled, but you're not accomplishing anything by insulting them.


Allright, I believe you.


I however want to point out it was not me who started using rude words instead of telling them in clear certain - agreed not very polite - words why I think their opinion is wrong.


I only play one or two games a week and I was asked not to use AR last weekend. It was the first time it happened to me so I'd guess that its only recently become quite widespread, but either way before this patch it was definitely getting momentum. Disagree with it if you want, but there are very good and intelligent players who feel that way. And I suspect there will always be some people who think its OP no matter how costly or situational it is, and others who will always say its just fine.


One could play devils advocate and ask if people ban them for being op or if people ban them because somebody is complaining on the forums. Anyway, if you have been asked, that backs their story up.


Agreed about the balancing discussion.... it will never end, I guess that is a general problem with situational powerful abilies.


Also this it totally off topic, but could you not reply in quote blocks? While the Cyan you're using now is definitely a lot better than the blue, I tend to only skim quotes. If you want to respond to a specific point just highlight that text and hit quote.


Never quite understood the quote system of this forum until now. Tried to manually cut the quotes and had terrible results, hence I decided to use colour.


Thanks for the info.

on Nov 14, 2012

Never quite understood the quote system of this forum until now. Tried to manually cut the quotes and had terrible results, hence I decided to use colour.

Yeah, that tends to happen when you quote one thing from the original post and another from someone's reply. Then there was that one guy who somehow got an illegal period in his name that screwed the entire thing up if you tried to quote him. But for things like this I find it works reliably enough.

on Nov 14, 2012

I am amazed....

This has finally happened SOASE is taking its first step into E-Sports.

At this rate, we should have some competitive tournaments and matchmaking with good numbers on ICO around the time our Mars colonies come online.

Only more reasoning to make me think you don't play on ICO much...

Is ARESIV not Eros/Specter? Have I been misunderstanding this whole time?!?!

Then he build his own 100+ corvettes and once mine and his corvettes engaged in fight game turned into massive slide show. On my end frame changed every 1.5 to 2 seconds.
Yeah that is right 1 frame per 2 second interval. So whatever optimization was done for rebellion it.... Last patch negated everything they did.


That is....unfortunate.


on Nov 14, 2012

Is ARESIV not Eros/Specter? Have I been misunderstanding this whole time?!?!

Everything is relative...if BagsX is unskilled and needs more time on ICO, then so does Eros...


on Nov 14, 2012

May I suggest that whoever is responsible adds info about how to update Sins? Cause for me Sins didn't auto-update no matter what I tried. Instead I had to double-click it within Steam to let Steam "convert data to a more efficient bla bla" (sorry, forgot the exact wording). Took me like 10mins to figure that out cause I never ever double click (start) my games through Steam.

on Nov 15, 2012


I am sorry but with you and Sel as company I would fear for your lives in any game with a remotly intelligent human enemy.

I also think you misjudge the amount of damage done to structures by wail. A wail powerful enough to destroy the important structures is more than enough to effortlessly wipe anything below caps. Now I dont know about how you "skilled" people calculate, but I would trade a few logistics for your carrier fleet any day. Especially at this stage of the game.


Yup 'Who?', I'm intrigued now... so who are you on ICO? If you have played much 5s at all since vanilla then its highly likely Ill know your tag(s), and you should know me.  Always been BagsX and all the regulars can testify to my longevity and in-game play on ICO...  I dont think insulting Sel is going to help you here either.  'Remotely intelligent humans' is the only opposition I play against, period, and while not amongst Aquias, JJs and HTs of the game, I'm not far down the list of player people want on their team.

But besides this you make my point for me. in essence..

" I would trade a few logistics for your carrier fleet any day. Especially at this stage of the game."

This is precisely why Wail was regarded OP on the first place, and why it has in recent months, been ruled out of the majority of skilled 5s (though we have been playing a few of late when there's been gentlemans agreement not to trigger wail if you pick AR, and a few games Slackah and others hosted for "everything goes fun").

The reason to play AR without Wail?  A leveled up Eradica is one of the best fleet clearing titans in the game, but you actually have to take it to a fight unlike Wail. 

Are AL better than AR without Wail?  Maybe but the eradica is much more aggressive and fleet wiping titan, and that can make the real difference in tight games - though making vettes immune to Chaotic burst (I assume this happened?) takes that away from from AR, which is partly my other point in my original comment about vettes....

I am liking and playing AL more and more though because the culture buffs and allegiance change rates make offensive culture viable and fun to play in some situations. The Corona's titan and sb busting with that focused damage ability, and then the planet taking at level 6 is good value too.  But fast fleeting with light frigs and vettes, backed up soon after by and Eradica to cookie cut you opponents frigs, still make AR completely viable and fun without wail.

I thought of another condition to Wail that may help convince me that its can be a balanced ability, if AR had to 'earn' their Wail damage by it it being only effective in opposition gravwells where they had dominant culture had reduced the allegiance to >30% or some such.  Being that the ability is housed by the communion temples, the 'culture' race, should have to do better than just 'click'  'pop'.

There are two comments you made which scream troll or asshat...

Unless your ally has a fleet in range but then you shouldt use Wail in the first place under normal circumstances.

LoLWut?  If wail is allowed in a skilled game, its the first thing an AR player goes for - every time essentially.  It became so prolific it has been banned in skilled 5s most games, regardless of what you say.

If Wail is a unsolvable problem for you, than you are not skilled.

Eh? its not unsolvable.  If you are scouting and see whats going on, then yeah you don't go into gravwells where it can be triggered on you.  The solution to advance on an entrenched AR player then needs to be to contain them as best you can, hope they dont bring a leveled up up eradica to spoil your day before you have the gear to take it out, and then you pretty much have to have you or your team Nova the planets as you advance so the population cant be used to wipe you. 

This scenario causes games to grind to a halt.  It got to a point where many of us consider it plain OP both as a deterrent and a fleetwiping one clicker.  Final Judgment will of course be reserved for the game play in the coming week, so make yourself known and join us... should be interesting.








on Nov 15, 2012

If Wail is a unsolvable problem for you, than you are not skilled.


Late game it is perfectly solvable using superweapons, but Wail can be rushed pretty fast and completely counters early game fleets.  It means that if the other guy gets one decent world, you have to retreat, but the AR can keep pushing, and if they get another world, you have to retreat again because you can't fight.  Wail can be rushed extremely quickly because it has no pre-reqs other than labs and doesn't require much to be built except the culture station you would already have.  It is still really powerful, but I'm glad they added a downside to it.

on Nov 15, 2012

It will be fun playtesting.  

I predict a continued OP Vasari Rebel starbase use because the debuffs on the mobile starbase are designed to be really weak and their still OP buffs are just slightly nerfed.

We shall see if this prediction holds up.

That being said, I am happy to see a large addition of balanced maps to the game, including more randoms!

Score a win for the multiplayer community!

They are listening!



on Nov 15, 2012

Late game it is perfectly solvable using superweapons, but Wail can be rushed pretty fast and completely counters early game fleets. It means that if the other guy gets one decent world, you have to retreat, but the AR can keep pushing, and if they get another world, you have to retreat again because you can't fight. Wail can be rushed extremely quickly because it has no pre-reqs other than labs and doesn't require much to be built except the culture station you would already have. It is still really powerful, but I'm glad they added a downside to it.

So, it seems that should be easy to fix then if say it was given one of the culture techs as a prereq or something, or moved to tier 8. Also, can you wail if you lose the labs? If not, I think that would also go a way to finally bring it into line.

I predict a continued OP Vasari Rebel starbase use because the debuffs on the mobile starbase are designed to be really weak and their still OP buffs are just slightly nerfed.

Its not that the debuffs are weak, I just think they underestimate what you have to do to make a starbase truly vulnerable. As it is I think sending unupgraded starbases will probably be suicide, but I agree fully upgrade ones will be able to shrug it off. Though at least it should last long enough now to make the bombers job a bit easier.


on Nov 17, 2012

Finally, many new maps, cool

The changes in this version 1.1 are great, bringing more balance to the Galaxy I will see how they will effect gameplay, but I guess they will make it much better.


Maybe I will go a bit off-topic I apologise for it, but I could not find a real answer for it anywhere, maybe I was not trying hard enough?


I have one more wish and this game would be perfect for me:


Please, add more planet types. Variability is not the strength of bigger maps, seeing everywhere the original planet types is getting boring for me. This new Moon type or Dwarf planet, great, at last something new (but it is no more than an asteroid with 2.5X population), maybe the developers should continue to add some more planets. I'm not saying it would be great to add hundreds of new planet types that are likely not to exist in this Universe, but maybe a water planet? Or anything science thinks to exist somewhere?


Yarlen I would like to ask you, whether should I expect anything about this field in the near future? Mainly this is the reason that makes me wonder about what mods are there for this game. I guess it won't be that hard to put maybe 2 new planet types in it? I know this is not the most important part of this game, but it could add some more variety to the random maps I like to play the most. I would be the most satisfied customer of Sins Rebellion I guess, if there were more planet types I know there are many requests, but still not a big change was made in this field and I don't really know why?

on Nov 17, 2012

would like to ask you, whether should I expect anything about this field in the near future? Mainly this is the reason that makes me wonder about what mods are there for this game. I guess it won't be that hard to put maybe 2 new planet types in it?

I think if they were going to do that it would have been added in the expansion, where they could be properly advertised. That's probably too big of a feature to add in a patch.

Another thing is that Sins has always had many good planet mods, so that took off a lot of the pressure for the devs to add them themselves. Pure planet mods include the likes of Sins Plus, Novus Universum, and Infinite Space. Also most major gameplay mods have such mods built in or they added their own, so if planets are a big deal for you, you really should start looking into them.

on Nov 17, 2012

To be honest I didn't want to make a new thread for this, but that Unyielding Will (I think that's what its called) glitch is back.

Ugh, gimme a second, its not wanting to post the screenshot.

EDIT: There we go, wrong URL, lol

on Nov 17, 2012

To be honest I didn't want to make a new thread for this, but that Unyielding Will (I think that's what its called) glitch is back.

I don't think it went away really. I noticed it again a few times when I reloaded a save game.

on Nov 17, 2012

Sorry to say People, but I lost my E-Mail that got sent to me for the link for the update...Could someone please tell me where it is?  Stardock dowsn't seem to update it and neither does steam??


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