Stardock Entertainment and Ironclad Games are very pleased to announce the release of Beta 1 for all Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion pre-order customers!

This first beta will allow you to play as the TEC Loyalists or Rebels in either single-player or multiplayer via Ironclad Online or LAN. Also included in this first beta release:

  • Updated graphics engine with self-shadowing ships, up to 16X anisotropic filtering and more.
  • Updated weapon effects.
  • All the new technologies and balance of the TEC factions.
  • Construct the mighty TEC Loyalist Ankylon and TEC Rebel Ragnarov titans.
  • The new TEC Corsev battlecruiser capital ship and Stilat/Shriken corvettes.
  • Steam support for achievements, friends, game invites, automatic updates and more.
  • New ship movement system and performance optimizations.
  • and lots more!

If you've pre-ordered, watch your e-mail for your order receipt with your Steam CD-Key and download information. If you'd like to get in on the beta, head over to the Purchase page. For existing registered Trinity/Diplomacy customers the price is $29.95 for a limited time; for new customers it's $39.95.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Mar 02, 2012

So is Stardock/Ironclad going to be accepting minidumps for bug reports?

Please see here -


on Mar 02, 2012

Nice, will be taking a look this weekend.  So with this, there's no longer any reason to have the original Sins on your PC anymore right?  The bonus for previous owners was the $10 off?  I don't intend to play it again with Rebellion playable and the TCP/IP option not working for me anymore with my new ISP.

Does plugging the key into Steam mean you're forced to get the final on Steam then?  Or can you use this to access the beta and download the final elsewhere?

on Mar 02, 2012

Hi everyone!  There is no NDA for the Rebellion beta, so post whatever you like.

Liberated Resistance will spawn friendly NPC Rebel fleets at your homeworld to strike out against your enemies. 

We will be adding in an easier way to tell Rebel and Loyalist players apart down the line. 

on Mar 02, 2012

the Rebels.

I can't wait for some Vasari and Advent to show up for the slaughter.

Boarding parties are awesome.

The Rebel Titan is awesome.

So far the new features are just full of awesome!

on Mar 02, 2012

There's a special place in hell for companies that have 2 betas at once, you know..................................





And wat 2 betas would those be ?


on a more related note, finally we get a decent opening cinematic from you guys rather than the original one. always nice to see a mock of of the in-game action when starting the game as a teaser .

initial impressions after 15 mins of play, are very good when looking at the tech trees. it is good to known that there is a research delay into how long it takes to actually build your titan, as no one likes an ai that gets it well before you and rapes you consistently for the fun of it


will be having an in depth play throu once im awake after work but its good to see you guys appear to have put alot of thought into this version of sins.


On a modding related a note, do you plan to release the reference files etc for the modding teams out there before main release? as alot of fans would love to see some of the more popular mods like sins of the fallen, malestorm, star trek mods, star wars mods etc not take years to be able to successfully update their mod to rebellion. 





would i be right or partially right in assuming you lovely gents plan to release 3 betas in total one each for the loyalist and rebel sides of the 3 original sins fractions. and is there still no set date on when rebellion will be released or a rough estimate even for when this will happen.

on Mar 02, 2012

We're planning on about 4 betas currently before release. Modding files will be made available prior to release, we're just not sure when yet.

on Mar 02, 2012

Played with loyalist and LOVED the new defensive titan (the awesome AoE damage reduction is sweet) Got him to level 8 with maxed stats and got a 22k hull 13k shield monster that literally took on an enemy starbase, titan and fleet at the same time completely solo and won with only the shield going down

on Mar 02, 2012

I think getting the novalith is much to easy now. Started a game with 6 players and after only a few minutes into the game (cruel AI) there were Novalith firing all over the map

on Mar 02, 2012

TobiWahn, play the Rebels, gobbling up planets like it was cool, because I researched the piece with the other rebels groups, getting pirate ships coming in so fast I barely need to make my own, I hardly cared that Novalith was firing. I just went and obliterated it with a cruel wrath that only the TEC Rebels could dish out.

on Mar 02, 2012

We're planning on about 4 betas currently before release. Modding files will be made available prior to release, we're just not sure when yet.

Wow,  4 Betas.  It sounds like there's a long way to go yet before final release.

on Mar 02, 2012

TobiWahn, play the Rebels, gobbling up planets like it was cool, because I researched the piece with the other rebels groups, getting pirate ships coming in so fast I barely need to make my own, I hardly cared that Novalith was firing. I just went and obliterated it with a cruel wrath that only the TEC Rebels could dish out.

Thats the "problem" for me. Everything seems to be destined to shorten the games. I prefer epic long games (single and mp over lan with friends). The changes just force you to end each game very quickly. I'd wish for an option for more prolonged games.

on Mar 02, 2012

Seeing as sins fans now have to use STEAM to play this game I thought that I would give you some tips in using it if you are having trouble.

Problem: Installing the beta and you get a report that the steam server is busy.

ANS: Exit FULLY out of steam (lower right hand of desktop there is a upper arrow click on it and right click exit steam). Then restart the program and try again your download should work. 

This action will fix a lot of errors when playing any game with steam as its Internet connection cancels itself after a point. I suggest disabling auto launch when logging or starting up your computer as it helps prevent problems and takes up resources.

on Mar 02, 2012

aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!! give me my advent and vasari i do love the beta but...

it's just not the same as advent or vasai rebels since they differ alot more form the loyalists advent and vasari

on Mar 02, 2012

i cant wait to see what powers the advent and vasari rebels have like tec's pirate and liberated recistence but it will be awesome

on Mar 02, 2012

Wailed through techs to see the Titan. Very kEwl..... Butttt what happened to the zooming? I can only zoom in so far and it is somewhat annoying.


Other than that very keel additions. Want/need the other races but with just TEC it makes me think of star wars so I can survive for a while:p


Hope your progress continues and you keep the com lines open. I have lost all faith in some of your competitors for failing to communicate what was going on.

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