Ironclad Games and Stardock Entertainment are pleased to announce the v1.79 BETA update for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion.  This opt-in beta will allow users to check out the new changes to our shader system, in addition to balance changes and bug fixes ahead of the final release.

NOTE: The initial 1.79 beta may be save game compatible with 1.52, but future beta updates may NOT be! We plan to update this beta over time as additional fixes are implemented.

To opt-in:  Select Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion from your Steam Library list -> Right-Click and select Properties. Click the 'BETAS' tab and from the dropdown select 'beta', then click Close. Steam will automatically update you to the latest beta code.


[ Graphics ]

  • Updated ship and structure rendering (specifically the shadowed and non-shadowed shaders).
  • Adjusted TEC and Vasari missile speeds/turn rate to be smoother (doesn't affect damage).

[ Gameplay ]

  • Adjusted Anarchic Society planet bonus to no longer require exploration (Forbidden Worlds DLC). 
  • Pirate Cutthroat base damage decreased from 60 to 45; weapon cooldown increased from 5.0 to 5.5.
  • Pirate Rogue base damage decreased from 40 to 35.
  • AntiMedium to Medium damage increased from 1.33333 to 1.5.
  • TEC Loyalists
    • Increased damage on Disruption Matrix (Titan) from 40/50/60/70 to 70/70/70/70.
  • TEC Rebels
    • Increased Refined Emitters from 1 level of research to 2.
  • Advent
    • Corvettes should now be affected by Ruthlessness ability (Destra Crusader).
    • Psionic Scream (Discord Battleship) will now interrupt.
  • Advent Rebels
    • Adjusted Reanimation research subject slightly to give the intended bonus.
  • Vasari
    • Reworked Phasic Trap (Hangar Bays) in order to properly limit the number of affected strike craft.
    • Phasic Trap (Hangar Bays) will now affect 18/27 individual strike craft, increased from 10/20; duration updated from 45/60 to 45/45.
    • Disruptor Nanites (Phase Missile Turret) duration decreased from 600 to 60.
  • Vasari Loyalists
    • Reworked The Maw ultimate ability on the Loyalist titan to properly limit the number of destroyed enemy frigates as intended.

[ Misc ]

  • String improvements for Starbase Mobilization description.
  • Fix for the game thinking a user doesn't own the Forbidden Worlds DLC in multiplayer when they do.


NOTE: BETA players will not be able to play in multiplayer with non-beta players. 

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 21, 2013

Will probable check out the new shaders, but I won't upgrade on my home system (only the laptop).

BTW, can we get some comparison screenshots so we know what to expect?

on Aug 21, 2013

Vasari bomber phase missile damage still not addressed - at least not in this current beta version.

on Aug 21, 2013

I hope the stability bugs of 1.5X got ironed out...

on Aug 22, 2013

Just loaded it. Set my settings and OMG!

I only see the TL Titan but it looks


on Aug 22, 2013

AntiMedium to Medium damage increased from 1.33333 to 1.5.


Conspiracy to overpower illum plus malice combo against light frigates?


if this is the case then im satisfied because the amount of light frigates is astounding in the early game. In my last game I had over 112 desciples.


Increased damage on Disruption Matrix (Titan) from 40/50/60/70 to 70/70/70/70.


Now it won't be a waste of time going to level the titan at the pirates base.



I won't be installing this beta because I still want to play multiplayer with others.








on Aug 22, 2013

i just have to say WOW ...  i like it ! i like what you guys did 

ps is it just me or things look sharper?? or more detail or?? it just looks awesome +1 to you Irondock!!

on Aug 22, 2013

NOTE: BETA players will not be able to play in multiplayer with non-beta players. 

  • Updated ship and structure rendering (specifically the shadowed and non-shadowed shaders).

Any one can provide some screenshots?

on Aug 22, 2013

on Aug 22, 2013

Any negative effects on performance?

on Aug 22, 2013

Max settings for quality.  16x AF and 8x AA.

on Aug 22, 2013

The details are superb!

on Aug 22, 2013

Essentially it's popping out the fine details on the ships a bit more than before, so when you zoom in, you'll see more of the subtle detail that was being lost before. It should actually improve graphics performance a bit, as we're off-loading more to the GPU, but don't hold me to it.

on Aug 22, 2013

I won't be installing this beta because I still want to play multiplayer with others.

You can opt in/out or even make a full copy of your current installation and play online with it. Either works.


on Aug 22, 2013

Essentially it's popping out the fine details on the ships a bit more than before, so when you zoom in, you'll see more of the subtle detail that was being lost before. It should actually improve graphics performance a bit, as we're off-loading more to the GPU, but don't hold me to it.

Is there stuff thats not in the beta?

Please offload some more stuff to the GPU?

on Aug 22, 2013

There's more bug fixes we're investigating that aren't in it yet. This beta will likely run for a couple of months with interim updates.

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