Eager RTS gamers can now pre-order the upcoming Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion!  All pre-order customers will gain access to the Rebellion beta scheduled for later this year (your credit card will be charged at that time).

New Sins of a Solar Empire customers can pre-order Rebellion for $39.95.  Existing registered Sins players who have registered Diplomacy or Trinity can upgrade to Rebellion for $29.95.

To pre-order, just head to the Store:  https://www.sinsofasolarempire.com/store.aspx

(Please note that if you choose a bundle upgrade option - i.e., Rebellion with the Expansion Bundle - you will be charged immediately.)

Comments (Page 11)
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on Apr 22, 2011

damn 30 dollars is alot for an expansion, oh well if its as awesome as the first three then it will be worth it im just hoping that they didnt get greedy from thier success and took shortcuts 

on Apr 23, 2011

... it's a STAND ALONE ... in a very real sense it's not an expansion at all but simply a Sequel (Sins 1.5) using an improved but not new engine. I think for that $30 is a decent price with newer games ranging for $60+ off the store shelves these days.

on Apr 28, 2011

I own the other 4





I have ordered the Rebellion via IMPLUSE for NZ$49.?? and then i finf that If I had ordered it via this site I would have paid NZ$29.??.

Already ordered and paid vis CARD.

Never mind I wanted it but it would have been nice to get offerd the lowest price.


Sentar (New Zealand)



on May 11, 2011


I've just been to https://www.sinsofasolarempire.com/upgraderebellion.aspx  to pre-order Rebellion.  Seemed to go OK but got to a screen which said you have no products in your Cart, and the process seemed to end there.

Does anyone know if there any way I can verify whether my pre-order has been successful?

on May 12, 2011

I would contact sales@stardock.com to help you.

on May 30, 2011

Can any one help me, whenever I try to pre order it says there is an error and won't go through

on May 30, 2011

I would contact sales@stardock.com to help you.

on Jun 09, 2011

Is there a way to find out if you've already preordered?  I think I have, but don't remember for sure....   I'd hate to be billed twice.  The wife doesn't like that kind of thing. 

on Jun 09, 2011

I would contact sales@stardock.com to help you.

on Jun 09, 2011

Or check your email for the sales notification.

on Jun 22, 2011

i wandt to pre order budt not have credit card...





its shame some companys still live in far distens solar empiers and not willing to creat a Diplomacy still meby ty will exspendt and willing to creat a Trinity whit oter spiesies so ty also can bye the game in a normal way

on Jun 22, 2011


Once the Beta comes out you will be able to pre-order with paypal or other electronic means.

on Jun 25, 2011

i use ide  in holland



by the way are u goa fan ??



if so me to meby we can share som mps if ulike

on Jun 25, 2011

Are web browsers with spell-check available in Holland?

I sure hope so.

on Jun 26, 2011

by the way are u goa fan ??

if so me to meby we can share som mps if ulike

I am actually, though I don't usually like to pirate things unless there is absolutely no other way to get some of the classics (CDs out of print, no legal digital download etc.). I can point you to a bunch of freely released Goa out there though if you want to expand your collection.

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