Published on November 20, 2009 By Yarlen In Sins News

Ironclad Games and Stardock Entertainment are pleased to announce the planned start of Beta 1 for Sins of a Solar Empire: Diplomacy on Monday, November 23rd.

All Diplomacy pre-orders will be charged on Monday with access to the beta (which will not be fun, per our usual disclaimer).  Beta 1 will not be feature complete but will contain: New Envoy cruisers, Embassies, Diplomacy tech tree (much more to come here, only the backbone will be present), Mission Generator, the beginnings of the Pirate changes, "Faster" gameplay options and more.

To pre-order Sins of a Solar Empire: Diplomacy, just visit the Store.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 23, 2009

Did done. Iw as wondering if they would send me a serial thou :/

Ah yes..maybe, I can't remember how it was for Entrenchment. It would be wise to check up emails too..

What time zone is Stardock located??

I checked it yesterday and according to their "contact us" informations on Impulse - help page they are located in Plymouth, Michigan which should be GMT -5.


on Nov 23, 2009

Time zone is less important than whenever they get enough beer bottles piled up to activate the button.

It's a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig button.


on Nov 23, 2009

Let's each of us send a beer bottle to them then, we'll help release it faster..


on Nov 23, 2009

Here:s mine....

on Nov 23, 2009


Again, and I hate to seem like a broken record, Beta 1 is more of a technical test than anything else. It is not representative of what the final product will be in terms of overall features/content (it's pretty much a skeleton). I just want to manage everyone's expectations ahead of time.


Thats what I like optimisim, of course its wasted on us users. You know damm well we'll moan until we get it, then we'll moan until you fix it, then we'll moan until you put exactly what we want in it, then we'll moan because you've delivered another storming expansion to a world class game and we can't find anything else to moan about.


Ever wonder why you bother?

Good job guys and oh by the way, is it here yet?




on Nov 23, 2009

Let's each of us send a beer bottle to them then, we'll help release it faster..

I think they'd end up leaving early due to so many rounds of booze turning Monday into a Happy Hour Friday.

on Nov 23, 2009

I'm excited about this expansion. Now I don't know what most of the expasions new iteams will do. But I think the new mission creator will be as game changing as the starbase. By the way has anyone gotten to there copy yet

on Nov 23, 2009

If I load up Impulse and just leave it open, will it prompt me when it is available or should I close it down and just check by reloading it every hour or so?

on Nov 23, 2009

Final count: 365 beer bottles. And that's only Yarlen's total for today.


on Nov 23, 2009

iuiccant typpe tooo excitteded. whenen!!! ahhh!

oor... mmaybe its the fllu vaccination i just got.......!!11

on Nov 23, 2009

Diplomacy is OUT!  About 27MB.  Installed.  Going to go check it out! 

on Nov 23, 2009

really... I am still seeing pre-order?! Damm paypal without preorder

on Nov 23, 2009

That should change once they finish processing the pre-orders.


on Nov 23, 2009

yup my pre-order payment just went through and I expect to load it as soon as I get home.

on Nov 23, 2009

I am still waiting for Stardock to charge my account. I am hoping it is in the next few hours so i can at least start the download before leaving work! I would love to try it out when I get home! Go Stardock! Push that process button as fast as you can!

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