Published on November 20, 2009 By Yarlen In Sins News

Ironclad Games and Stardock Entertainment are pleased to announce the planned start of Beta 1 for Sins of a Solar Empire: Diplomacy on Monday, November 23rd.

All Diplomacy pre-orders will be charged on Monday with access to the beta (which will not be fun, per our usual disclaimer).  Beta 1 will not be feature complete but will contain: New Envoy cruisers, Embassies, Diplomacy tech tree (much more to come here, only the backbone will be present), Mission Generator, the beginnings of the Pirate changes, "Faster" gameplay options and more.

To pre-order Sins of a Solar Empire: Diplomacy, just visit the Store.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 20, 2009

on Nov 20, 2009

Sweet! Can't wait!

on Nov 20, 2009

Laughs @ "will not be fun"
I don't care if it crashes my computer and is the worst thing to happen to the world since the Nazis. I MUST PLAY IT.

on Nov 20, 2009

  Mission Generator?? Can we finally make our own missions? I did not know it...  That's awesome!!!

One question: I do not have pre-ordered the beta yet. If I do it now, I'll have access to the beta on Monday?


PD: Very thanks, Ironclad. You are doing a great work!!!


on Nov 20, 2009

Nice! Coneheads dictate "I will enjoy it" lol


on Nov 20, 2009

Just in time for the long weekend! Can't wait!

on Nov 20, 2009

One question: I do not have pre-ordered the beta yet. If I do it now, I'll have access to the beta on Monday?

You will, indeed.


on Nov 20, 2009

I wants it now!!!

on Nov 20, 2009


on Nov 20, 2009


on Nov 20, 2009

I feel sorry for my girlfriend cuz of this



on Nov 20, 2009

yea  new  news 

on Nov 20, 2009

When is the latest we can get in on the beta?

on Nov 21, 2009

I am so happy that it's finally started I and my gamer group are so happy start trieing out the new toys of war. I am pretty scared though about the new Pirate up-grades at the moment there pretty weak I like that but I also look forward to the change and challange of the new expansion's pirate up-grades.

on Nov 21, 2009

Can we get the hot fix out for entrenchment?

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