Published on September 15, 2009 By Yarlen In Sins News

Ironclad Games and Stardock Entertainment are pleased to announce pre-orders for the upcoming Sins of a Solar Empire micro-expansion, Diplomacy. After 25 years of war, some elements of the TEC, Vasari and Advent have grown weary of conflict and desperately seek a respite. The decision is made to attempt peaceful negotiations to end the wars, but others view this new effort at diplomacy as the perfect means to destroy their enemies from within.

Sins of a Solar Empire: Diplomacy will add a new Diplomacy tech tree, new envoy cruisers, the ability to issue missions to other players, trade pacts, an entirely new relationship system, deadlier pirates and more.

Pre-orders for Sins of a Solar Empire: Diplomacy are available now for $9.95. This micro-expansion will require the full versions of Sins of a Solar Empire and Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment to play. To pre-order, just head over to the Store.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 15, 2009

So, Annatar, since you work "behind the scenes" with Sins (some of us read the "Special Thanx To" section of the Sins manual) What is the one, game-busting thing you think this expansion will offer? (Like Entrenchment and it's Starbases)



Koda0 (^)

on Sep 15, 2009


                    Please tell us there will be something after Diplomacy, please. I dont care what it costs, if its full-expansions  or sequels or add-ons. Just tell me, something beyond what we have is on the horizon out there somewhere. You dont even have to tell me "what". Just tell me its there. Okie?



on Sep 15, 2009

Pre-ordered. I can't wait for the beta!

on Sep 15, 2009


Quoting Mooster, reply 21Yay

wtf, we can't preorder with paypal?

Quoting Thrawn2787, reply 9
No caps for pirates, as that doesn't fit in with the universe. They'll be getting an overhaul, though....just you wait and see. *evil grin*

Sweet. Now pirates won't just be "free xp"

I'd like to see a VO too (instead of text, it'd be funny but probably isn't happening. The only thing funnier than reading "Avast  ye space rats!" would be hearing it)
I think you are intrepeting wrong. I think what it means by no cap mean the supply cap for pirates
No, he's interpreting correctly. There won't be capital ships for pirates

there aren't any now...

and why can't we preorder with paypal?

on Sep 16, 2009

I saw a screw you american express does that mean you ran ur 25 dollar gift card through 2 times waited a week did it again (another denial and you hate cards more than when you started out like me!!!!!!


I support the screw you american express movement!

on Sep 16, 2009

next question can I have diplomacy w/ starbases? please say yes.... now the fun question what if a new player doesnt buy entrenchment where do they fit in on ironclad?

on Sep 16, 2009

pre-ordered. and curious like hell about the features of the new diplomatic research tree. (keeping my finges crossed that some evil things like espionage and sabotage will be available)

on Sep 16, 2009

I don't understand(((is it final expansion?!...what about third exp?

on Sep 16, 2009

there aren't any now...


Right. Which means the pirate buff won't come from the pirates getting their own capital ships


next question can I have diplomacy w/ starbases? please say yes.... now the fun question what if a new player doesnt buy entrenchment where do they fit in on ironclad?


Diplomacy requires both entrenchment and sins (it's on the impulse page)

on Sep 16, 2009


Of course!


Yes, it's final expansion and next step will be Sins 2!

Officially confirmed by me just now

on Sep 16, 2009

Ironclad, I think, thought the expansions were taking longer than they had thought and decided to scrap the third expansion. They are working on their next game though


EDIT: From the impulse store page (to help clarify my previous post)


  • Broadband Connection for Internet Multiplayer
  • Sins of a Solar Empire and Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment (Full Version)
  • Impulse client software for download / install / updates
on Sep 16, 2009


Shame about the third micro expansion though - was kinda hoping to seeing a forth race and a story, but I guess this will be more than worth the wait.

I wonder why IC decided to axe the third one anyway?

on Sep 16, 2009

If you guys haven't checked out the General forum, the issue of further products has been addressed by devs and pubs alike - yes, more is to come.  The reason the third was cancelled was because they wound up wanting to add so much more stuff that it really didn't fit the "micro" expansion mold.  Oh, and none of us mere mortals/players know when that will be released, what the new stuff will be, nor whether it's going to be a full expansion or perhaps a sequel. 

In the meantime, we have what looks like a fantastic add-on coming around the bend to enjoy the living daylights out of, something I fully intend to do!

on Sep 16, 2009

So, Annatar, since you work "behind the scenes" with Sins (some of us read the "Special Thanx To" section of the Sins manual) What is the one, game-busting thing you think this expansion will offer? (Like Entrenchment and it's Starbases)



Koda0 (^)

Officially, I don't know anything you guys don't Anything else I can't talk about.

However, the focus of this expansion isn't really on flipping combat upside down like Starbases did. The focus is on re-doing the one thing that was really lacking in the vanilla game and integrating it better. You shouldn't expect a huge "holy crap that looks awesome" thing like the Starbases were, you should expect more full and complete gameplay with a much more robust diplomacy system and pirates that are relevant for more than the first two attacks.

Like Blair said at PAX: "Diplomacy is more of a code update, not assets".

I have no doubt that it'd be well worth the price tag (check Frogboy's journal thread on it, he gave a bit more info too), just don't expect to be wowed visually It's all going to be in the flow of gameplay and giving us many more options.

on Sep 16, 2009

Thanks for your support, everyone!

You've got questions and I've got all the answers - but I can't tell you everything.

Here's what I can tell you so far:

  • Currently the beta is slated for late Fall 2009
  • As others have pointed out, since Diplomacy requires Entrenchment, there will still be Starbases, mines, etc. making Diplomacy the full Sins mojo
  • No further details on pirates yet, but as with all other things, we'll keep folks in the loop as we nail down details

That's all for now.

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