Next week we're planning to release the v1.17 update for Sins of a Solar Empire.  In keeping with all the recent updates, v1.17 will only be available via Impulse ( to registered customers.


  • Gameplay / Balance -
    • All race's carrier cruiser's max speed reduced from 500 to 450.
    • Fixed a bug in the pathfinder that caused it to favor sub-optimal paths for between system travel.
    • Fixed incorrect start conditions on Double Cross map.
    • Tweaked the equation for damage reduction so that it is more stable for large negative armor values.
    • Magnetic Cloud orbit bodies now disable all abilities, not just those requiring antimatter.
    • Marza Dreadnought:
      • Missile Barrage number of waves increased from 20 to 25.
      • Missile Barrage damage per wave reduced from 150 to 120.
      • Missile Barrage missile travel effect made unique from its normal missile weapon's effect.
  • Graphics and Effects -
    • Missile Barrage missile travel effect made unique from its normal missile weapon's effect.
  • Networking / Multiplayer -
    • Fixed the potential for extra gaps in the text of multiplayer chat.
    • Fixed missing multiplayer chat characters with some non-English languages.
    • Fixed not being able to create ICO account and player names with certain non-English characters.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause the ICO lobby to disappear.
  • Interface / HUD -
    • Income summaries no longer overflow in such a way that per planet elements are mis-rendered.
    • Fixed some bad zooming behavior when you try and get too close (especially on small entities like fighters).
    • Fixed a bug where you couldn't zoom in past a certain distance despite changes to the zoom scalar for the given entity. The minimum distance is still restricted to the entity's radius or 20m for objects will spatial extents (e.g. debris).
  • Modding -
    • Fixed zoom scaling bug (see above).
  • Misc. -
    • Fixed a rare crash bug caused by Jump Degradation ability of Overseer cruisers.
    • Fixed a rare sync error caused by loading differences between FAT32 and NTFS file systems.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jun 11, 2009

Is there any reason why I can't see the update button on my SoaSE game info in Impulse?  I want to update, but there's no button.  I checked the game and I'm still running 1.12. 

Any help would be apprecitated.

on Jun 11, 2009

Hooray!  You forgot to mention that level 2 Final judgement was also fixxed.

on Jun 11, 2009

There is a button that says "More", click on that and select update.

on Jun 11, 2009

Nope... all I have is a Run button.  Not sure why?  It's a legal copy as well. (for anyone thinking "torrent")

Can I please get an official answer on this?



Edit:  I found it.  For anyone having problems finding the update in Impulse, make sure that you have the 'show hidden applications' button checked off in the impulse menu.  that could solve your problem.

on Jun 14, 2009

I'm liking the camera changes .  It's nice being able to get a closeup of even the smallest ships now!

I don't play multiplayer much, but I'm kinda liking the carrier slowdown; it means my carriers aren't sitting in front of the battles as often anymore. One of the bad habits the AI seems to have with the carriers is the tendency to pull them to the front lines along with all of the other capital ships.  Problem is, that kinda kills the reason why I build carriers in the first place: To stay behind and project power.

. . . although the enemy will usually pull right up to the carrier(s) anyways. No real concept of terrain in Sins, so everything they throw at you can pretty much pull right up to it.

on Jun 15, 2009

Okay i give and the purpose of magnetic clouds isssssssss? Can we like..get planets or roids i nthem or soemthing, seems like a blank spot for a possible fight but i have never seen a cloud in between two oppenents that forced them to go through it.

If you've never seen maps that do that then you need to play one of my galaxy forge maps, it has 28 planets, 4 players, 1 star,each player starts on a desert planet with 2 metal resorce asteriods and 2 cyrstal resorce asteroids. there is 0 colonisable asteroids, 5 planets (4 of them are player home worlds and in the middle of the system a phase jump from the star is the only terran planet in the system with 2 of each resorce asteroid) and the rest are wormholes and magnetic clouds.   it be a very fun map!

on Jun 17, 2009

So where exactly is this update? Every time I go to the Impulse website, it isnt there. Can someone post the link to the page where I can actually downloand it?

on Jun 17, 2009

its goign to bu under the updates tab on your impulse. Not the website but the program when you run it.

on Jun 18, 2009


on Jun 18, 2009

You have to use Impulse to get patches. Why did you spend $100 for it? Someone ripped you off. And for future reference, all caps is really annoying and won't get you help any faster.

on Jun 27, 2009

Gee... the one thing I actually care about still hasn't been fixed. That one thing you ask?

To not be forced to go into the option and reclick the opening scene to be played every single time. That's SOOOOOooooooooo annoying since I watch it almost every time.

For a simple few pictures with a narative it's easily one of the coolest intro movies in a game! ...Maybe not top 10 but it's up there.



For those looking for patches on website, you're not going to find it due to the growing paranoid-schizophia problem amoung gaming publishers where they make people jump through flaming hoops for things like patches that were always considered free and available to all (even to post/host on other sites to relieve bandwith on first party servers) in gaming years past.

No patches you can download and keep on a CD/DVD so you can reinstall within 15 minutes of uninstalling... now you have to spend hours and hours redownloading stuff (even with a good connection) and hoping the companies aren't going to drop game support or have a flood or go out of business.

Could be much worse though (*glances around warily and whispers* Securom). At least they know how to go just far enough to inconvenience and annoy old school gamers without pushing us back to our Atari2600's. (yes I still have one)

Stardock keep up the good work of only going just far enough.


Sort of an opposite take on the old "I had to walk through snow to get to school" tale, but now the new generation has it rougher.

"Wow ! You used to just be able to type '[game] patch' in a search engine and be able to download and save it to disks? Stop telling fairy tales!"

on Jun 27, 2009

rubicantx have you tried editing your user.settings in the settings folder line 61

ShowOpeningCinematic FALSE

& changeing the FALSE to TRUE?


on Jun 27, 2009

I don't seem to have a settings folder in my SoaSE folder when I look there. Not where my Impulse is either.

Also my Vista search can't find a user.settings file.


Thanks for the tip though, when I finally get that lightbulb above my head and figure out where it is.

EDIT: Found it. Tested it. Same as clicking the option in menu... reverts to FALSE as per usual. Thanks anyway.

on Jul 18, 2009

Why in the hell do i have to register for impule if i bought the game 1 1/2 year ago, only to find out that the only way im gonna get a update for this game is to register for impulse, please, tell me. Cause this is not making any sense to me at all.

on Jul 18, 2009

this is driving me crazy.

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