Published on November 17, 2008 By Yarlen In Sins News

Greetings all,

We've had to make a slight reschedule of the version 1.1 update for Sins to Wednesday (November 19th).  We're using this extra time to setup some additional download servers so that everyone's update is fast.  We apologize for the delay but feel the extra time will be well worth it.


Stardock & Ironclad

Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 19, 2008

I dont know if this question has been answered or not, but in australian terms from you guys in the us what time is the server going to come back online i know now its being delayed and im not sure if i like the update to impuse or not but its different lol, will it be am or pm time roughly when the servers get turned on again your way wedsday time meaning its thirsday here or even friday since we are so far ahead with time ?

on Nov 19, 2008

Dumn question - would upgrading to the beta ensure a quicker update to 1.1 due to some files already being updated???

on Nov 19, 2008

no, because entrichment and the 1.1 full patch for regulars will come out same say, just depends on if you wish to play your enhanced version with maybe some bugs still in it since it is beta of the entrichment addon and people like my self will have to test it, willingly. I also dont know if there will be a server button on sins beta to beable to play agesnt regular players since the beta is only limited for the few who brought the game before release date.

on Nov 19, 2008

Yeehaa! It is the 19th!


Now, I am going to check every five min if I can download it... Man, this could be a long day...

on Nov 19, 2008

They have said that Entrenchment will be coming out AFTER the patch. They also said if you play a game against people without the expansion, you don't get the expansion functionality...

So my question still stands - will upgrading to the beta mean there is less to update for 1.1 and therefore can someone download the beta now to shave time off of getting 1.1???

on Nov 19, 2008

So my question still stands - will upgrading to the beta mean there is less to update for 1.1 and therefore can someone download the beta now to shave time off of getting 1.1???

I'm no expert on how Impulse handles updates, but it *should*. The way I believe it works is that it looks for changed files and it downloads those files. Not that much changed between 1.096 that's available now and 1.1 final, so there should be much fewer changes to download than if you were going from 1.05 > 1.1.

on Nov 19, 2008

If you install beta, you will need to del it and download/reinstal whole Sins. It will took a longer time to wait till patch apply .

Just wait! it's not so hard as you think.

on Nov 19, 2008

P2P Mechanisms are pretty decent if there is enough people using them. It also allows lost of savings on D/L servers and bandwidth. There are few bad things tho: p2p is illegal in some countries(spain iirc and probably france in nearest future); p2p is considered by majority(i used to say "idiots", but ppl always pretend that they dunno where to look for those) as some "pirate tool of doom" and only good for sharing illegal stuff. In the end we have scalable system(unlike d/l servers) with some drawbacks. For me the best thing about p2p is possibly unlimited maximum speed. I'm planning to switch to 26mbit channel soon and i highly doubt that any d/l server will be able to sustain big number of clients with really high speeds. Espiecialy if client is in Russia...


on Nov 19, 2008

If you install beta, you will need to del it and download/reinstal whole Sins. It will took a longer time to wait till patch apply .

Just wait! it's not so hard as you think.

No, you won't need to reinstall Sins from scratch if you have the beta patch I know for a fact the Impulse patcher handles updating from any version, final or beta

on Nov 19, 2008

with some drawbacks.

Those are pretty major drawbacks if you ask me Here in the US even, some ISPs have come under major fire for throttling P2P traffic. Universities and workplaces usually set up their firewalls to block all P2P traffic outright.

The Impulse servers already easily get 800kb-1mb/sec download speeds for most of us, so I don't think the potential benefits of P2P outweighs screwing a lot of people out of being able to use it

on Nov 19, 2008

You cant really block encrypted p2p, especially if portnumbers change. I also think that blocking p2p is like cutting off someone's arm if u just ASSUME he can use it to kill someone. But that not the point.

One successful use of p2p in gaming industry - WoW patches. Works like a charm.

on Nov 19, 2008

Where is 1.1? isn't today wednesday.

on Nov 19, 2008

Good call to delay the release to get the service right, whats an extra day when its been so long in the making?

ISPs can, and do throttle or block P2P. But the main problem with P2P is that it would have to be a complete full file install patch rather than the difference. It would be nice if people had the choice though, Impulse, P2P or standalone patch. Choice is always good, would you like to order steak from a restraunt only to be told it only comes cut up into tiny pieces?

on Nov 19, 2008

You cant really block encrypted p2p, especially if portnumbers change. I also think that blocking p2p is like cutting off someone's arm if u just ASSUME he can use it to kill someone. But that not the point.

One successful use of p2p in gaming industry - WoW patches. Works like a charm.


Except for all the people it doesn't, and if you spend a lot of time in WoW, there are TONS of those. Every patch people ask for mirrors, or go to FilePlanet.


And you can block encrypted P2P, some ISPs have gone far enough to traffic shape anything that they don't recognize (IE all encrypted traffic).

on Nov 19, 2008

Where is 1.1? isn't today wednesday.

Usually patches get released around 1-2 pm EST

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