Ironclad Games and Stardock are very pleased to announce the final release of the long awaited version 1.1 of Sins of a Solar Empire!  The latest update to the award-winning real-time strategy game will be released on November 18th, exclusively via Impulse ( for registered customers.

For the full v1.1 change log, please visit:

Comments (Page 3)
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on Nov 17, 2008

I don't suppose we are looking at one of those 12:01 AM release type things for this? I have tomorrow off.

EDIT: Dang, just saw that it was moved to Wednesday.

on Nov 18, 2008

If you can pay Yarlen enough money to sit in the office at midnight... maybe.

Count for 1-2pm EST Sometimes they come a little earlier, but not by much.

on Nov 18, 2008

I HOPE it is a midnight thing - since for us in Australia, it is already the 19th and I am hoping to download it when I get home

on Nov 23, 2008


QQ more buddy, impulse does nothing wrong in any way it's actually better, personally I feel that you're screaming, "I"M A PIRATE GIVE ME A FREE PATCH!" Question is or what?  What can you do if you are a pirate, you don't get 1.1 and that's your problem go get impulse it's a good program dumbass!  No one really cares if you say "I refuse to run impulse" cuz every1 else who bought the game will so get used to it and if you are a pirate fuck off.

Hate to break this to you buddy but the whole world does not revolve around first world countries with readily available internet.  I realise the first world falls into the main market group of electronic media but with recent shifts towards most commercial software being internet dependant piracy may fall as far as you might see....but in the third world it will ROCKET!

I live in South Africa where i have to pay through my arse for a internet connection thats capped at 2GB a month(incoming and outgoing blended), there is not so much internet based piracy here as there might be in your area because here its less expensive to buy everything.  I rely on gaming coverdisks for any and all game patches.  If a game requires internet to fucntion in ANY way there is no way in hell that i would even consider purchasing it, if only as a form of protest.  So yes im a pirate, such games i pirate without remorse because it would cost too much to legally get and use them.

The attitude you show is typical first world hippocrasy, all bleeding hearts untill you are inconvenianced.  Get off your high one can even bother to be impressed.


and btw

patches are supposed to be free fucknut...

on Nov 23, 2008

Hi there,

so where can i get now the german patch? Because over impulse it damages the german version like this:

All strings in the opening menu have the entry "String Not Found"

on Nov 26, 2008

I do like Sins, but I don't like being forced to use something to update or play a game. I don't play Half-Life because of Steam. My PC is controlled by Windows. That's enough control. I'm encouraged by the statement that you can turn Impluse off. I may try it simply because Sins rock!!!  Please do not in your ignorance accuse. Those who protest the loudest are usually the guiltiest..

on Nov 26, 2008

You don't need Impulse running to play the game - you only need it to patch the game...

on Nov 26, 2008

Hi FatherRobin,

I have Impulse and it works fine for me. However, I can understand your reasoning and to a certain degree I even agree with you. If you are really bothered so much by it and still want to play Sins, install impulse once, register your game, get the update and uninstall impulse again (However, Impulse is not active if you don't start it, thus you don't have to uninstall it).

Try to see it from the developers view, too. Impulse makes it much easier for them to maintain the game. Your computer can log on to their servers and only get the files it doesn't have to get to the latest version. In my case, I had updated to Sins 0.96 and it took impulse only two min to download and install the files needed to get to 1.1.

And for all the flamers on this forum: No, I am not a fanboy. I have stated multiple times that Sins is missing sth IMHO. 1.1 improves the whole game already and Entrenchment is going to rock it more, I hope. I just wonder what is happening here, right now. If I would have a problem with installing sth, I would ask the technical support for a solution and not start an own topic explaining to the world why it is everyone else's fault that I can't install or run a game/impulse... It is fine if you want to start a general discussion about impulse and listing all the pros and cons about it. But there is a lot of flaming around going on... (EA must be behind all of this, I am sure... It is time for my favourite video: the dramatic look!

just my two cents

on Dec 11, 2008

well if stardock does not provide a more accessible offline method of applying the patch to combat to be u mate.  1.05 to 1.1 patches are up all over the place, actually just the game folder  compressed after the patch and 193mb big but hey it works.

on Dec 11, 2008

Ignorance is not an alibi. You should have read the line "updates will only be available via impulse" included in the original game manual and various publically available sources.


Stardock did say that they are working on a offline serial activated patch kit, but since you dont actually care either way(I say this because you have already pirated the game and you wouldnt pay for it even if an offline patch was available)


To someone like you I say. AAARRRRGGGGG I hope ye PC gets struck by lightning.


P.S. oh by the way, I live in the same 3rd world country as you and own a legal v1.1 and my internety connection is substantially smaller.

on Dec 11, 2008


Quoting TParis, reply 5Nice, but didn't you say that 1.1 will be the last patch that will come as a downloadable installer? I would really apreciate that.
What do you have against impulse, it saves you space on your computer since the new patches according to impulse are well over a 100mb and no extra clutter either.  I'm not saying your a pirate but that's the only reason I could see anyone complaining about it as it has a cd key checker and all those pirate sites that give the game out for free don't come with a cd key, believe me I have checked but I did buy the game...

In my case, it would be nice to have a downloadable installer, as my laptop refuses to run impulse. Doesn't matter what I do. It will run multiple instances, but it will not show up to where I can do anything with it.

on Dec 11, 2008

Have you contacted about it?

on Dec 11, 2008

Ignorance is not an alibi. You should have read the line "updates will only be available via impulse" included in the original game manual and various publically available sources.


Stardock did say that they are working on a offline serial activated patch kit, but since you dont actually care either way(I say this because you have already pirated the game and you wouldnt pay for it even if an offline patch was available)


To someone like you I say. AAARRRRGGGGG I hope ye PC gets struck by lightning.


P.S. oh by the way, I live in the same 3rd world country as you and own a legal v1.1 and my internety connection is substantially smaller.


Oh im so happy u actually have the money to regularly buy games, good for u.  I buy what I can when I can (which is mayby 1 game 3 times a year at most) and shamelessly pirate the the rest of our wonderfull country who does not really care either way.  But seriously now if I could spare the cash for it I would buy it, but while I still plead student poverty (and i dont even drink neither) I get what I can how I can.

But all that amoral stuff aside, with anything to do with software if its not internet independant or I cant make it such I pretty much ignore it.  And besides...its not as if ive ever paid someone for a copy of this or any other game ive ever pirated, share and share alike and all that.  To pay for pirated goods is just not cricket after all.

And as for your smaller cap...can u even do more than email and surfing for a week?  Hell on my cap i even have to ration my surfing


P.S. u cant say i bitched and moaned bout not getting the same service as paying customers, my longer post only happened cause the jerk pissed me off after all, as if only a pirate would complain bout being shackled to the internet...

on Nov 03, 2009

Bah! What use is talk of game balance when the balance patch is bugged? 

Still, how many skirmishers and carriers in your example?  Protected by repair?  If the reintegration autocast needs to be earlier (after 33% damage?) then should it be on the hotfix list?

Though the illuminator hotfix is long overdue, and JJ has made a heroic solo effort, without an elite warlords lobby and a sufficiency of medals and awards, I doubt that the community will provide sufficient help to the developers.  There are too few replays of games available.  Every example like the one above should have a replay, the game auto saves them for us.  Medals for good replays!

I also doubt that the game is balanced on data.  At all.  Otherwise, how could the developers simply double the number of squadrons on carriers in version 1.1- and maintain the costs of everything else?

If there was a data balance, then some of the units and structures which were most affected by the carrier buff- light frigates, turrets and hangars- would have been adjusted.

-Anti-carrier light frigates needed to be cheaper and more numerous (less cap) to be effective, as strikecraft had less cap per squadron.

-Turrets were far less valuable once gravwells had twice the number of  strikecraft.

-Hangars used to have twice the strikecraft, suddenly they had the same number, but the cost was unchanged.  A hangar is immobile, yet the cost is about 85% of a carrier? 

Put simply, the devs while balancing flak and LRF to carriers in v1.1 have not completed the adjustment made when the number of strikecraft was doubled.  I will continue to state this, as even though it is obvious, it might not have been stated enough. 

The skirmisher relation to other LF is minor by comparison, and the reintegration fix should be tested before any other adjustment.

Pah!  Restore my returning fleets, without this senseless toll!

on Nov 03, 2009

Check dates.

Also, actually check the changelogs.

Seriously though, I'm amazed at how condescending and arrogant many of the online players are.


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