Published on February 23, 2007 By Yarlen In Sins News

For those of you who may have missed it or live outside North America, has republished the preview for Sins of a Solar Empire that first appeared in the March 2007 issue of Games for Windows magazine. Along with the preview is a new interview that goes into further detail on the game, Ironclad and Stardock.

Check them out:

GFW Republished Preview Sins Interview

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 23, 2007
There are really four tech trees. Each race gets one unique tree, and there's a special one I can't say much about at this point.

The research trees are much larger than most RTS games

There are also a number of other units that can be acquired that aren't part of the core faction set

We're big fans of a small number of unit types, where each unit has a specific role or roles at various stages of the game and won't go obsolete.

we also allow players to customize the names of their most powerful ships for immersive purposes

it leaves us with a number of challenges, not the least of which is that units can be so far away that their 3D mesh can't be represented by a single pixel. In Sins, when units first reach this point, they're replaced by icons appropriate for their distance, unit type, orientation, and ownership. As you continue to zoom out even farther, even the first-level icons become a problem, as they'll tend to cluster. At key thresholds, the icons themselves are replaced by even more simplified representations that contain the appropriate information and organization scheme for that level of zoom.

commodities market

My favorite is when the A.I. predicts that an enemy is going to be attacking you soon; this will trigger the playing of a tension-building "trouble is coming" piece.

sounds fun. so pay attention to your music.

on bounties
can you bounty yourself? just to draw some people out of hiding.
additionally can you withdraw your input from a pool (proportional to how much has been earned)
on Feb 23, 2007
OMG OMG 5 long pages. And its THEY best Preview of sins ever

Haha, i could even imagine that My Master (the great emperor) and i would crush Schematicsninja, and watch his puny forces getting wiped out, while i sit back and drink a cop of coffie and laughing

So much detail, its just... wounderful

Can we get a downloadable soundtrack of Blairs favorit? comon plz for this weekend

And the auto stuff for the ships, sounds great.
And the large tech-tree for each race cool.

btw wheres Craig Fraser? havent seen him since the first official sins forum.
on Feb 23, 2007
A fourth tech tree, another race maybe?
on Feb 23, 2007
on Feb 23, 2007

...there are no words...
on Feb 23, 2007
one thing we havent heard anything about is "Fog of war".
Yeah i know there was a big topic about it. But we havent heard any official words about it
on Feb 23, 2007
Fog of war is...well, it's fog of war.
on Feb 23, 2007
yeah the information about it, is fog of war
on Feb 23, 2007
A fourth tech tree, another race maybe?

I don't see that being the case.

I think its either reverse engineering (pray pray PRAY!!!) or its a commonality between the three races (but he said he couldn't talk too much about it)
one thing we havent heard anything about is "Fog of war".

my question is how far does it extend?
I dont want fog of war to apply within 100 yards of my ships, if you get my meaning. but I dont nescessarily want to see out into far orbit.
and how will this apply in/between solar systems?
on Feb 23, 2007
Hi Multianna,

I am still alive. My Wacom tablet pen has become permenantly joined to my index finger, making it difficult to type    After beta I'll do away with the finger and install a permanent pen appendage.
Thanks for the feedback everyone - it really keeps our Art Team pumped   
on Feb 23, 2007

my question is how far does it extend?
I dont want fog of war to apply within 100 yards of my ships, if you get my meaning. but I dont nescessarily want to see out into far orbit.
and how will this apply in/between solar systems?

If you're in a planet's gravity well, you can see everything in it. Otherwise you can't.

on Feb 23, 2007
If you're in a planet's gravity well, you can see everything in it. Otherwise you can't.

So, you can't hide unis on the far side of planets/behind moons?
I was looking forward to that...
on Feb 23, 2007
yeah, I think that type of FoW needs to be included.

and I dont think moons were ever really planned on being in the game wraith
on Feb 24, 2007
I really like the explanation of the three races, ie one doesn't have a massive advantage over the other two, there is no such thing as the generic all round race.

Sure the TEC can build lots of ships but they're rather primitive

The Vasari's technology makes warp drive look like fire but they can't build too many ships

The Advent have godlike mental powers but their ships are weak.

To me this ensures that playing as a different race ensures a different gaming experience which you almost never see and it keeps games interesting (small Vasari strike force obliterate giant TEC fleet etc etc)

on Feb 24, 2007
I liked the comment about the Advent taking over an entire planet with out firing a single shot....
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