We're pleased to announce the immediate availability of Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion BETA 1a via the Steam client for all pre-order customers. This update is largely to fix the reported crash bugs, but also contains some minor balance adjustments. 

For a full change log, please visit: https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/420034

on Mar 15, 2012


on Mar 18, 2012

Where can I get it?


on Mar 18, 2012



on Mar 18, 2012

beta 1 works great, tec rebel titan is sweet!!!

on Mar 19, 2012

Wie kann ich mit dem neuen Patch spielen? bzw. wo bekomme ich das her? Steam sagt nur: "Dieses Spiel ist zurzeit nicht verfügbar. Bitte versuche es später erneut."


hier ist die (bzw. meine Lösung): Die Eigenschaften des Spiels aufrufen und im Reiter 'Lokale Dateien' >> Dann auf 'Spieldateien auf Fehler überprüfen...' klicken. Danach dauert es einem Moment - aber anschließend wieder spielbar.

Schade, dass dies nirgends beschrieben steht; oder gar besser umgesetzt wurde.

on Mar 25, 2012

got a C++ runtime error while playing. fleet fight with my titan wrecking everthing

on Apr 03, 2012

Where can we post recommendations/bugs?


First of all, Rebellion is awesome.  Looks like you guys took a lot of idea suggestions from us modders  


So far, I am very impressed.  Job well done.  Question is, have you fixed the 2gb limit yet?


on Apr 03, 2012

Question is, have you fixed the 2gb limit yet?

This is a Windows limit, not a Sins limit. As it's been posted elsewhere on the forum, you can go past 2 GB by running Sins on Linux via Wine.

on Apr 03, 2012

This is a Windows limit, not a Sins limit. As it's been posted elsewhere on the forum, you can go past 2 GB by ... 

1) 32 bit windows OS with 4gb ram : PAE + 3GB + LAA = 3gb for Rebellion

2) 64 bit windows OS with at least 5gb ram : LAA = 4gb for rebellion

3) 64 bit Linux wiht at least 5gb : LAA = ... well, the game crash always around 11.5 gb memory use

for 1 & 2, http://www.techpowerup.com/forums/showthread.php?t=112556