Eager RTS gamers can now pre-order the upcoming Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion!  All pre-order customers will gain access to the Rebellion beta scheduled for later this year (your credit card will be charged at that time).

New Sins of a Solar Empire customers can pre-order Rebellion for $39.95.  Existing registered Sins players who have registered Diplomacy or Trinity can upgrade to Rebellion for $29.95.

To pre-order, just head to the Store:  https://www.sinsofasolarempire.com/store.aspx

(Please note that if you choose a bundle upgrade option - i.e., Rebellion with the Expansion Bundle - you will be charged immediately.)

Comments (Page 5)
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on Mar 05, 2011

It feels a bit premature to pre-order without screenshots. Just saying!

And I'm dissapointed to hear Rebellion won't be multithreaded. It's been what, 3 years since the first Sins came out and Ironclad is still using the same excuses? I find this absoutely absurd considering Sins is a cpu intensive game. Someone back me up on this!!

on Mar 05, 2011

EVERYONE wants multithreading... 64 bit... and EVERYONE knows its NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

get used to it.

on Mar 06, 2011

Hmm I am not sure how to feel about the pricing for this stand alone expansion, as a beta adopter of original game and all the DLC to date, even the discounted $29.95 seems high for the content so far mentioned. 


The fact we have 1 screenshot so far , doesn't exactly make it super enticing atm...

on Mar 06, 2011

I actually have faith in the ironclad team. I was a bit disappointed before with the micro expansions just because they added so little.  I lapped them all up wanting more. I think its great we are now getting a fully fledged expansion.

As soon as this $30 business is sorted out with my account I will pre-order.

on Mar 06, 2011

Hmm I am not sure how to feel about the pricing for this stand alone expansion, as a beta adopter of original game and all the DLC to date, even the discounted $29.95 seems high for the content so far mentioned. 


The fact we have 1 screenshot so far , doesn't exactly make it super enticing atm...

I agree. The price is higher than expected.

on Mar 06, 2011

Easy solution: come back later this year when beta's out and people are trying it, and check how the additions are working out. There's no need to order today if you're not convinced.

on Mar 06, 2011

I pre-ordered just like everyone else here, but....

Kinda makes you wonder.... We get a sudden announcement of an expansion. Then, within the week pre-orders get going? We havent even really seen anything... If Ironclad was a stock market company, we'd have just blown our money on a scam.

on Mar 06, 2011

Is preordering cheaper than purchasing upon release?

on Mar 06, 2011

Is preordering cheaper than purchasing upon release?



on Mar 06, 2011


Quoting onomastikon, reply 68Is preordering cheaper than purchasing upon release?


That's why I can't bring myself to pre-order it before there's even a Beta, at least not without a limited-time substantial discount.  A lot can happen between now and then.  I'm sure Ironclad and Stardock will deliver, but I'd still feel funny about it.

on Mar 06, 2011

That's why I can't bring myself to pre-order it before there's even a Beta, at least not without a limited-time substantial discount. A lot can happen between now and then. I'm sure Ironclad and Stardock will deliver, but I'd still feel funny about it.

I haven't decided if I will pre-order yet either. I may as a means to support IC but I'd like to see a little bit more.

on Mar 06, 2011

Agreed with Zombie.... also Im trying to save for my wedding

But Id love to see more if possible... 

on Mar 07, 2011

If there is no monetarial advantage to preordering, I will certainly not. As much as I like to support the makers of products I have liked in the past, the only person I will pre-order from now is my tailor -- got burnt way too badly by Elemental: WoM, and that after investing a lot of my time and energy for them in months of Beta. I'll wait for a product (and possibly a few patches if necessary) or some form of substantial rebate.

on Mar 07, 2011

This new stand alone expansion just sounds like an rip-off from Command and Conquer Zero Hours. I hope that Ironclad isn't planning on presenting the same.
Diplomacy was a disappointment, no multi threading is disappointing, still bugs that needs to be fixed in Entrenchment and Diplomacy!

I will be voting with my wallet. And my wallet says no.
It might say yes if they do not copycat C&C Zero Hours and/or get support for multi cores or open up so that we can mod our own AI.

on Mar 07, 2011

I will wait too, as they left us alone with the last patch and the heavy overpowered Vasaricarrier. all of my friends stoped playing sins because of this carrier. I mean i play vasari, but it was just boring to play over and over again against the same strat.  I expected a small bugfixpatch for that. Now, as the want to make money again, they come out with a patch.

I think they lost the love for this game at these dark days....


For the success of sins i realy hope they arent to late now.

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