Published on March 19, 2009 By Yarlen In Sins News

The Escapist's Developer Showdown between Ironclad Games and Sony Online Entertainment has begun! Help Ironclad win this contest of wills by heading over to the Escapist and casting your vote for them in the Western bracket.

You will need to create and validate (via email) an account with the Escapist in order to vote and have it count. Vist the URL below to create your account - registration is free:

Once your account's been created and validated, head over to the Round 1 Western bracket to cast your vote. Just click the radio button next to Ironclad Games and click Submit.

Voting is only open between March 19th and March 20th, so don't wait.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 19, 2009

Yeah Ironclad is winning!!!


+1 vote for Ironclad!

on Mar 19, 2009

We are? Sweet! Let's hope it stays that way

on Mar 19, 2009

You guys are winning 746 to 601 currently, it's been hovering around 45% for SOE and 55% for IC

on Mar 19, 2009

The joys of being hated by half your customer base, poor SOE...

on Mar 20, 2009

Can we vote twice ?

on Mar 20, 2009

As of my +1 for IC it's 999 IC and 764 SOE

Woooooo go IronClad!!!

on Mar 20, 2009

Can we vote twice ?

You could try, but you'd be stopped by your sense of moral integrity and also my boot up your butt.

on Mar 20, 2009

DAMN! can't vote twice...but I can send you the results!

As of 1.20Pm EST, 20-03-2009:

(5) Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) vs. (12) Ironclad Games
(5) SOE
43.3% (767)
43.3% (767)
(12) Ironclad Games
56.7% (1006)
56.7% (1006)
on Mar 20, 2009

Just voted


Match 3: (5) Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) vs. (12) Ironclad Games
(5) SOE: 808 | 1061 12) Ironclad Games


on Mar 20, 2009

Doing got +40 people whilst ICO got +55 .....sweet more than 25% compared to them

on Mar 20, 2009

*glues a set of pom poms to ShadowMastiff's hands and pushes him out on the field for everyone to look at*


on Mar 20, 2009

ALRIGHT ALRIGHT "shakes his ass left and right trying to imitate what a cheerleader would do". GO IRON GO IRON..GO GO GO IRON!!!!!

Jumps in the airs and makes a summersault.....unfortunately misses his landing and falls dead on his backbone (true story). "Damn it....stupid floor"!





on Mar 20, 2009

*roaring applause is heard on the stands, followed by much finger pointing and laughing*

That's youtube worthy material, right there.

on Mar 20, 2009

ALRIGHT ALRIGHT "shakes his ass left and right trying to imitate what a cheerleader would do". GO IRON GO IRON..GO GO GO IRON!!!!!

Jumps in the airs and makes a summersault.....unfortunately misses his landing and falls dead on his backbone (true story). "Damn it....stupid floor"!




*roaring applause is heard on the stands, followed by much finger pointing and laughing*

That's youtube worthy material, right there.


on Mar 20, 2009

and +1 for me score is

SOE 43.8% (854)

Iron Clad 56.2% (1096)

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