Ironclad and Stardock are pleased to announce that the beta for Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment will begin Tuesday, December 16th.  Please note that all pre-orders will be charged tomorrow when the beta is made public.

Entrenchment requires the full version of Sins of a Solar Empire v1.12 and will only be available via Impulse (  While the beta will be English-only, we expect the final release to be available in several other languages as well through cooperation with Kalypso.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 15, 2008


on Dec 15, 2008

!!!!! Doing this right after my philosophy exam!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!


on Dec 15, 2008

Talk about short notice.

You guys are absolutely awesometastic.

Speechless, am I.

on Dec 15, 2008

Yay!  Thanks, Yarlen!

on Dec 15, 2008

on Dec 15, 2008


on Dec 15, 2008

and just to make sure, paypal willwork tomarrow right

on Dec 15, 2008

it would be great if its the GMT + 1 Tuesday

on Dec 15, 2008

and just to make sure, paypal willwork tomarrow right

Yes, once they start charging.

it would be great if its the GMT + 1 Tuesday

As always, it will most likely be early afternoon EST (GMT -5). Probably 1-2 PM or so. Plus an hour or two depending on the number of preorders to finish all the orders.

on Dec 15, 2008

it would be great if its the GMT + 1 Tuesday

Going to have to disappoint you there. We generally put stuff up in afternoons EST.

on Dec 15, 2008

on Dec 15, 2008

Sweet, I'll be pre-ordering tonight!

on Dec 15, 2008

Do we get a changelog / feature list to drool over for the next 24-ish hours?

on Dec 15, 2008

yes, yes, yes. say hello gametime .

I love you guys. hopefully it won't be that late, for us europeans its gonna be evening or night already.




December 15, 2008 13:58:10
it would be great if its the GMT + 1 Tuesday

Going to have to disappoint you there. We generally put stuff up in afternoons EST.

yeah, I noticed. I took the habit of analysing the patterns of the last items uploaded and it was genereally something around afternoon est.

on Dec 15, 2008

I love you guys.

Get in line! I was here first.

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