GameSpy has posted their first-look at Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment today, revealing many new details about the upcoming micro-expansion. Blair and Craig Fraser from Ironclad Games provide details on the changes to capital ships, the new Ogrov Torpedo Cruiser, new environmental art, and much much more.

Read the full preview at:

on Oct 15, 2008

by "changes to capital ships" do you mean graphical or gameplay changes. bc from what I read, they rather recounted how capital ships did not quite turn out to be as planned and that they want to make starbases different. the variable appears to be that high level capships are all the same. did not really read anywhere that this was planned to change.

all in all, extensive and nice preview, though more explanation about why things were introduced than much hard info.


compliments btw to your pr guys or whoever managed it. three big previews in gamespot, ign and gamespy in a matter of days. way to go for attention. with the current info level, I doubt that many people will find entrenchment not worth the 10 $.

on Oct 15, 2008

with the current info level, I doubt that many people will find entrenchment not worth the 10 $.


Yeah, I was first a bit concerned about that (still I preordered right away) but it looks like it will be a very nice expansion that is worth its money.


This could really make me rethink my stance on micro expansions (though still not on DLC in general).

on Oct 15, 2008

Do want

on Oct 15, 2008

I am getting a bit nervous about the role of tactics... I most certainly do NOT want micro to be a large part of this game. The entire purpose of the epic scale of the conflict is to eliminate micro.

on Oct 15, 2008

You'll still be able to play without micro (after all, the AI needs to be able to do this anyway), but for those players who do choose to micro, there will be more of a point for doing so.

on Oct 15, 2008


on Oct 15, 2008

I just saw that there was a video in the preview and watched it, now some comments on that:

are the explosions different? at ~ 1:26 I saw something that looked more volumetric than the usual things and also more pieces flying away from explosions.

these orgev torpedos do seem a little loud at times and overshadowing other sounds. but maybe it was just the proximity.

just a little other comment. in that build the music was obviously disabled and it was probably a isolated demo battle, so no event cards like "production finished" "research finished" showed. but it still showed that the scenes just lacked the sort of atmosphere that battle chatter and dialogue add. a few messages thrown in would rock, best even if they rougly represented the battle situation (which a rough analysis of ships in the area should make feasible). homeworld was such a nice example. you remember "command, this is a cakewalk" or "we need reinforcements here!" and more. audio is a much a source of atmosphere as video.