Published on January 30, 2007 By Yarlen In Sins News
Games for Windows Magazine has published its first preview of Sins of a Solar Empire in their March 2007 issue (on sale February 6, 2007)!  Check out exclusive new screenshots showing off the epic scale of the galaxy map and more in their two-page article.
Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 30, 2007
damn you !!!!!!

this will be the first magazine I will have bought in over 2 years!! mmmm galaxy map....
on Jan 30, 2007
Should I bother asking if this is published in the UK...
on Jan 30, 2007
Should I bother asking if this is published in the UK...

dont bother... Its US only

on Jan 30, 2007
>whimper< Are they forgetting they used to be part of the British Empire?
on Jan 30, 2007
funny how we took it all away from you.
on Jan 30, 2007
ow ninja that was harsh.
on Jan 30, 2007
well seriously, the British Empire was far too large to remain stable. if it wasn't us it would have been India in a matter of years. But I have to applaud how a small island took over 1/2 the world, quite impressive.
on Jan 30, 2007
Acutally it was more like a third. And another reason why it couldn't hold together was the fact it was so split up. It's a lot more difficult to control a county thousands of kilometres over an ocean.
on Jan 30, 2007
Acutally it was more like a third

I know, let me exagurate.

and yeah, having an empire that large period creates logistics problems. that probably wouldnt even work today, even with all of our telecommunications etc.
just look at china. the only (2) reasons that it is capable of maintaining such a huge oligarcy is that 1) it doesnt have a lot of international (and almost no intercontinental) communication for its average citizens and 2) its culturally honorable to remain loyal to your government.

before you respond: If you think this is going to become a thread, how about we move it?
on Jan 30, 2007
on Jan 30, 2007
how was it ever on topic...
on Jan 30, 2007
January 30, 2007 22:02:49
Reply #11
how was it ever on topic...

It was on topic till post #5
on Jan 31, 2007
ow ninja that was harsh

Meh, no denying it, just extract pride from the fact that we invented RADAR.

Acutally it was more like a third

Somewhere between a third and a quarter AFAIK


YEAH!....what was the topic?

on Jan 31, 2007
i think the topic was how the vikings conquer morethan half the world for dominance and that those vikings where the Great Britian splitting and dividing along the american new world lands and canadas vast accupation of the barbarians i think right?

lol i wish there was a link to those brand new pictures shown on pc gamers mag
on Jan 31, 2007
and that those vikings where the Great Britian

from wiki
From the 8th to the 10th century, the Danes were known as Vikings. Together with Norwegians and Swedes, they colonised, raided and traded in all parts of Europe. Viking explorers first discovered Iceland by accident in the 9th century, on the way towards the Faroe Islands and eventually came across "Vinland" (Land of wine) also known today as Newfoundland, in Canada. The Danish Vikings were most active in England and France where they temporarily conquered parts of England, known as the Danelaw, Ireland and France, giving name to the French region of Normandy. More Anglo-Saxon coins from the Viking age have been found in Denmark than in England.[citation needed] As attested by the Jelling stones, the Danes were united and Christianised about 965 by Harald Bluetooth, the second recognised king of Denmark. In the early 11th century, Canute the Great won and united Denmark, England and Norway for almost 30 years.[8]

erm back on topic...
would it be eligal for someone to erm scan the images only?

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