The Battle of Rilor
Published on December 14, 2006 By Yarlen In Sins News

Space is a cold, dark vacuum that is mostly devoid of anything more than dust. Unfortunately for the TEC, they've encountered space that isn't empty. This harsh reality was reinforced at the Battle of Rilor where two mighty fleets clashed, leaving one victorious and the other nothing but debris.

Sins December Snapshot 

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 14, 2006
Theres no drool smiley...damn!!

awesome pic
on Dec 14, 2006
Great looking picture. Not as colorful as many of the past.
on Dec 14, 2006
Its space, and space isnt meant to be colorful   

Nice pic i like the massive scale battle, one question though whats the tall looking ship at the right of the screen? Or is that a space station?
on Dec 14, 2006
Looks like some sort of space station.
on Dec 14, 2006
i think its the holiday inn hotel and it probly runs to about 5000 ru units a night.

i'll take a few reservations pls after i send a few refinary and collectors out on those nebulaes!
on Dec 14, 2006
Lol... arent you worried youll get vaporized in your sleep.
on Dec 14, 2006
WOW, nice screenshot Will have to do, untill i get my wish of a galaxy shot
on Dec 14, 2006
Pretty nice, love the TEC branding on the grill of those ships.
on Dec 14, 2006
really looking great...
like p5y where is da drool!?!?!?
on Dec 14, 2006
pretty awesome battle.
i think its the holiday inn hotel

I'll use my free-breakfast-with-weekend-stay supergun on you

  udder pwnage
on Dec 15, 2006
on Dec 15, 2006
on Dec 15, 2006
Great's getting better every time...wonder how you do was already gorgeous a year ago   
on Dec 15, 2006
*adds to the drool puddle forming around Multianna*
on Dec 15, 2006
A few of theys and bit of then some and then a bit more and then i return to my do some erm... maybe.. buut i mean erm nvm...
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