Opt-in BETA patch now on Steam
Published on December 16, 2013 By Yarlen In Change Logs

Ironclad Games and Stardock Entertainment are pleased to announce the release of the v1.82 BETA version for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. This update is largely designed to address balance issues with the Stellar Phenomena DLC, but also contains several other fixes.

The v1.82 BETA will run through April 2014 as we look at player feedback and make more fixes. Please note that code fixes are not included in this first release - we'll be looking at those in January; so more is on the way!

To update to the v1.82 BETA:

  1. Select Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion from your Steam Library list
  2. Right-click on it and select Properties
  3. Click on the BETAS tab
  4. From the drop-down, select v1.82 Opt-In BETA
  5. Click the Close button

Steam will automatically update you to the current release.  If you want to switch back to the regular version, just repeat the above but select the 'NONE' option instead.

Playing the BETA on ICO:

  • Open an Explorer window to: Documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\Setting
  • Open rebellion.user.setting using Notepad or some other basic text editor (do NOT use MS Word)
  • Change IcoServerPort (on line 39) to 8000
  • Save the file

 Version 1.82 Changes (12/16/13)

[ Stellar Phenomena DLC ]

  • Halved asteroidCounts on Graveyard and DenseDebris templates in AsteroidDef to improve performance.
  • Updated GalaxyScenarioDef uncolonizable gravity wells w/resources to be guarded by Pirates, not neutral factions.
  • Removed defenders from Antimatter Fountain.
  • Changed ShatteredMoon defender template from LocalMilitiaWeak to LocalMilitiaWeakUncolonizable.
  • Updated Allegiance progression in Gameplay.Constants on the later stages to drop by .05 on levels 7-8. This should help prevent very distant planets from instantly going neutral from Open Rebellion.
  • Added potential for 0-2 (from 0) neutral crystal extractors at Comets.
  • Increased minimum neutral crystal extractor count to 2 (from 1) at Ice Fields.
  • Increased minimum neutral metal/crystal extractor count to 1 (from 0) at Radiation Storms.
  • Increased minimum neutral metal extractor count to 1 (from 0) at Shattered Moon.
  • Increased random event allegiance check from 240 to 600 seconds. This should help prevent distant colonies from succumbing to Open Rebellion before the player can do anything about it.
  • Reduced minimum allegiance threshold for random events from 30% to 15%.
  • Increased max respawn count on Magnetic Storm from 4 to 9.
  • Increased max respawn count on Plasma Storm from 4 to 9.
  • Reduced trigger weight on Partisans event from 25% to 10%.
  • Reduced trigger weight on Open Rebellion event from 10% to 5%.
  • Reduced fleet point range on Open Rebellion event from 150/350 to 100/250.
  • Increased volume on random event warning sound by 3db.
  • Dramatically shortened Pulsar particle so that it doesn't touch other gravity wells and made the tails less sharp.
  • Removed Fighters from target list on Gas Giant's pre-explode buff since they can never lose it; will still take damage from nearby explosions.
  • Added new Commodity Boom random event: one random planet (including neutrals) may now undergo a resource boom where extractor and refinery rates are increased by 30% for 5 minutes. Should never appear on: Dead Asteroids, Pirate Bases, Antimatter Fountains, Magnetic Clouds or Wormholes. (Thanks to Goafan for the suggestion!)

[ Forbidden Worlds DLC ]

  • Removed 'Ferrus' from PlanetRandomUncolonizable in GalaxyScenarioDefs.
  • Removed 'FerrusFair' from PlanetRandomUncolonizableFair in GalaxyScenarioDefs.
  • Added new planet bonuses to GalaxyScenarioDefs (thanks Goafan!).
  • Changed Rusted Core planet bonus to no longer require points in exploration.

[ AI ]

  • 4/15 - Revised AI bonus income rates to try and scale less drastically past Normal.

[ Misc. ]

  • Updated SDActivate.exe so folks shouldn't need to open up IE if it fails on new installs.

Comments (Page 11)
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on May 02, 2014

Quiet possibly didn't try a phase stabilizer, suppose Ill give that a shot to see if that's what I am missing here.

on May 02, 2014

It most likely is. That was a change they made to balance their strength out. You can use a Kostra (sp?) cannon or other ship capable of making its current grav well a phase stabilizer node, too, to allow you into enemy territory.

on May 03, 2014

Love the Orky Kostura Cannon duo. Nasty.

on May 09, 2014

....You guys still alive, Stardock?

(haven't been here in awhile. )

on May 09, 2014

Yes we are still alive, and in perfect hibernation.

on May 10, 2014


I realize code changes aren't going through right this moment, but if you could pass this up for being tossed onto the table for consideration at the next point code changes are looked at:

Please remove the arbitrary limit to Pirate raid and Mad Vasari ship spawns (and which ever others might be affected) of 7 different types of ships.

Thank you

on May 11, 2014

I am under impression the Jump Stabilisation tech for Vasari Loyalists is bugged. It should lower the hull/antimatter penalty for leaving gravwell with enemy starbase present, right? Well, i did juit that yesterday with a Titan and he ended up with 0 antimatter after the phasejump. That should not be happening, right? 

EDIT: Just gave it a try again from some save, just to be sure, jumping away from Argonev, Jump Stabilisation researched obviously. Titan at 11660 health, 949 antimatter points, both full capacity. Right after completing the jump in the next gravity well these values stand at 9530 (cca 82 percent of 11660) and 0 antimatter. I guess it seems to be working in regard to hullpoints somewhat, even though exact numbers are a mystery (its clearly not 50 percent hullpoints lost as the titans infocard says while still in the gravity well with the Starbase), but it does not affect antimatter one-bit.

Bottom line, maybe this is fine, i dont know, since the description of the tech in th research tree is severely lacking. It implies complete and total immunity to effects of destabilisation, which is not true obviously, BTW, i wonder why? Would it be so overpowered?

on May 16, 2014

I definitly need to know how you guys can beat the Unfair AI. I play on 1.8 and don't have a problem with the Hard AI so I decided to go further and played some games against Unfair. I absolutly had no chance. They spam ships, superweapons and Titans like crazy. I remember I had not finished the research to build a Titan yet when the AI launched the first one and right after got a superweapon. Compared to Hard AI its such a huge step....

So maybe someone can explain to me how to succeed against a Unfair AI?

I didn't test this patch yet but I think the Unfair AI should be weaker than in 1.8 but strong than the Hard one. Especially if Hard AI will be weaker now. It already was not so much of a challenge in 1.8...

on May 20, 2014

Any word on a release out of beta?  Maybe being out of beta can help get the community a little more active.

on May 20, 2014


on May 20, 2014







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