Published on December 4, 2008 By Yarlen In Sins News

We've released 10 Sins of a Solar Empire - Entrenchment screenshots in the Downloads section for everyone's viewing pleasure. Witness the awesome firepower of this fully operational battlestation!

Sins Entrenchment

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 04, 2008

Did I ever mention that the skybox looks awesome?

Thanks, Yarlen!

on Dec 04, 2008

Holy muda of Hezuz this shit is putting smile on me face!

Like this -------->

on Dec 04, 2008

tz tz. that should have been "and now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battlestation". 5 imaginary dollars to who gets the reference.

btw you might want to change the screenshot date. just because you're not sure when it comes out, you don't have to write 2009 to further demoaralise the waiting lot.

hope to get more info - or better yet the beta - soon. but the screens are a nice teaser.

on Dec 04, 2008

Oooohhhhhhh yeeeaaaaahhhhhhh!   Bring on that expansion.  Sure hope that this is out by the christmas holiday, so I can spend lots and lots of time playing and after about 70 straight hours of playing...I wanna look like this..... 

on Dec 04, 2008

tz tz. that should have been "and now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battlestation". 5 imaginary dollars to who gets the reference.

Oh come on, you can't be that easy. Everyone knows it's from Return of the Jedi.

on Dec 04, 2008

Painfully easy as it may be, I won't pass up 5 imaginary dollars. Emperor Palpatine in the Second Death Star with the Force.

As for the screenshots: I want! I want!

on Dec 04, 2008

December 09 screenshots!

on Dec 04, 2008

December 09 screenshots

Yeah you didn't hear that it's now been pushed back to Dec. 2009!!!   JK 

on Dec 04, 2008


tz tz. that should have been "and now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battlestation". 5 imaginary dollars to who gets the reference.
Oh come on, you can't be that easy. Everyone knows it's from Return of the Jedi.

I'd have thought so in a such a nerd forum.

hey, as a matter of fact, we could do a sci fi version of 'guess the quote' somewhere.

else: too bad the screens don't really show anything new. at least, I think that what we see here are mostly ships, and structures we have already seen pics of. c'mon, lets see the vasari uber pwnage fortress of destruction and mayhem. or the advent conviction nexus. I want!! god, this waiting starts affecting me too.

on Dec 04, 2008

I'd have thought so in a such a nerd forum.

It's a geek forum! Nerd forum is next door

on Dec 04, 2008

New Screenshots are always great! But showing us the greatness of Entrenchment makes the waiting even harder.

btw. In Screenshot no. 3: Pure Chaos!


on Dec 04, 2008

Funny, I was about to suggest to remove all those Beta screenshots

on Dec 04, 2008

Funny, I was about to suggest to remove all those Beta screenshots

'Tis part of history

on Dec 04, 2008

Hahah. December 2009. I just noticed that.  Someone's anxious for next year!

on Dec 04, 2008

Oooohhhhhhh yeeeaaaaahhhhhhh!   Bring on that expansion.  Sure hope that this is out by the christmas holiday, so I can spend lots and lots of time playing and after about 70 straight hours of playing...I wanna look like this..... 

more like this  

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